Look out, world!
If we don’t sharpen our #2 pencils and gear up for battle this spring, we’ll be in trouble.
Our principal and superintendent will ask questions.
Your parents will feel I’m not doing my job.
Our school’s Great Schools ratings might take a hit.
Those ratings affect how much families want to move here, so it could mean your parents’ house will wind up being worth less money.
Would any of you want that?
And I’m more worried these days than you might think, because the test results will be public record…sorted by classroom teacher name.
That’s me, kids.
I haven’t done four years of college and all that evening and weekend master’s coursework just to have egg on my face. I still have a long way to go before I can retire from teaching.
So, here you are. Here are the packets. The tests aren’t for three months, but I will have you good and ready by then.
What you don’t finish in class will be your homework.
Remember: Always fill in an answer, even if you don’t know the right answer. You have a one-in-four chance of being right.
Yes, Paul?
Well, your mother isn’t the one teaching this class. I am. And I say to fill in an answer even if you have no idea. Even if the question isn’t clear.
Just fill in an answer.
After testing is all over with, we’ll have a class party. I promise.
No, it’s not next week. It’s in May.
No, we can’t have a February party. You already shared your valentines. The rest of this month will be work.
Come on now, get started on it. You have forty minutes. No talking.
No, Emily. No raising hands with a question. On the real test, you won’t be able to do that, so we won’t do it here.
Get started now.
23. September 2011 at 5:29 pm
Long before Bart Simpson there was Life in School and Life is Hell by Matt Groening. The Sunday comic sized strips provide the perfect illustrations to this post. If you have the opportunity look them up.